Boot Cuffs

Make these free crochet boot cuff patterns to wear at the top of the boots to keep the cold drafts out. Crochet boot cuffs can be ankle boots or knee-high boots.

Twisted Tweed Boot Cuffs

Twisted Tweed Boot Cuffs

The crochet boot cuffs are available in three adult sizes. They have a pretty texture that you’ll enjoy wearing and gifting to others as well.

Crochet Boot Cuffs by Jane Green of Beautiful Crochet Stuff

Crochet Boot Cuffs

This pattern is available in written form, a symbol chart as well as an instructional video.

Starry Skies Boot Cuffs by Stitches 'N' Scraps

Starry Skies Boot Cuffs

These elegant boot cuffs have a lovely lace with a buttoned flap to compliment just about any pair of boots.

Charisma Boot Cuffs by Rhelena of CrochetN'Crafts

Charisma Boot Cuffs

Free crochet pattern for the Charisma Boot Cuffs by Rhelena of CrochetN’Crafts.

Bonanza Boot Cuffs by Rhelena for 2 Crochet Hooks

Bonanza Boot Cuffs

FREE crochet pattern for the Bonanza Boot Cuffs by Rhelena for CrochetN’Crafts.

Eva Boot Cuffs ~ Divine Debris

Eva Boot Cuffs

FREE crochet pattern for the Eva Boot Cuffs by Divine Debris.

Key Tab Boot Cuffs ~ Elisabeth Spivey - Calleigh's Clips & Crochet Creations

Key Tab Boot Cuffs

FREE crochet pattern for Key Tab Boot Cuffs by Calleigh’s Clips & Crochet Creations.

Bulky Boot Cuffs ~ ELK Studio

Bulky Boot Cuffs

FREE crochet pattern for a pair of Bulky Boot Cuffs by ELK Studio.

Kimberly Boot Cuffs ~ Shannon Kilmartin - Cre8tion Crochet

Kimbrely Boot Cuffs

FREE crochet pattern for Kimbrely Boot Cuffs by Shannon Kilmartin for Cre8tion Crochet.

Modified EP Boot Cuffs ~ Buy Hook or By Crook Designs

Modified EP Boot Cuffs

FREE crochet pattern for a pair of Modified EP Boot Cuffs by Buy Hook or By Crook Designs.

Funky Spats ~ Double Stitch Twins - Red Heart

Funky Spats

FREE crochet pattern for Funky Spats by Double Stitch Twins for Red Heart.

Ups and Downs Boot Cuffs ~ Moogly

Ups and Downs Boot Cuffs

These boot cuffs are not only designed to keep you warm, but they are full of texture and style as well!

Shell Boot Cuffs ~ Patterns For Crochet

Shell Boot Cuffs

These boot cuffs have a beautiful lacy design at the top. They are great for anyone who loves a bit of simple lace.